In my professional live, I am a research software engineer with an academic background in Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Machine Learning. I develop research software at the Netherlands eScience Center, in cooperation with Dutch research institutions. We care for open science and open source, and design software in a FAIR and sustainable way.
Part our approach is the dissemination of digital skills among the (scientific) community. As a member of the teaching team at the eScience Center, I give workshops about topics including Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Collaborative Software Development, (advanced) Programming in Python, and Research Software Development.
Other activities, apart from software engineering and teaching workshops:
- reviewing project proposals and consult proponents
- form or join consortia to write proposals for new projects
- scientific publishing
- mentoring
Furthermore, I have been involved in non-profit organizations and projects and have been a journalist in the world of (Open Source) Software, covering technology, Artificial Intelligence, (software) culture, and the mutual impact of technology and society.
I develop advanced software solutions with a focus on information retrieval, knowledge extraction and discovery, search -- with a non-exclusive preference for societally relevant topics like education, science, history.
If you would like have a chat, consultancy, a software implementation, or an article about any of the above areas, please contact me!
- Barker, M., Chue Hong, N. P., Katz, D. S., Lamprecht, A.-L., Martinez-Ortiz, C., Psomopoulos, F., Harrow, J., Castro, L. J., Gruenpeter, M., Martinez, P. A., & Honeyman, T. (2022). Introducing the FAIR Principles for research software. Scientific Data, 9(1). 10.1038/s41597-022-01710-x